Using the techniques that you practiced with in Task 041a and 041b, create an animated GIF Logo.

Step 1.

Using the techniques you practiced in Task 041a, use a paint or image processing
program to draw 8 frames that form a sequence which can be compiled into an
animated GIF Logo.  Some examples are shown above. As you see, the Logo need not
be complicated, and artistic talent is not a consideration or requirement.

Step 2.

Using the techniques and tools you practiced with in Task 041b, compile the
animated GIF Logo.

Post your Task 041c Animated Logo as an attachment to a reply on the Task 04 Discussion Board.

ECOMP 6016 Online
Teaching and Learning with Multimedia
Dr. George Blakeslee
Task 042a  Frame Animated GIF Logo
Main Task - Design and Create an Animated GIF Logo
Lesley University, 29 Everett Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02138-2790
(c) George Blakeslee    All Rights Reserved